Papers are chosen for publication based on their scientific excellence, distinctive contribution to knowledge (including methodological development), and relevance to contemporary Medical Science (Obstetrics and gynaecology, Paediatrics, Internal medicine, Ophthalmology, Surgery, Neurology, Otolaryngology, Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, Dermatovenerology, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Urology, neurosurgery, Cardio-thoracic surgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Aesthetics, Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Forensic Medicine, and Medico-legal, Psychiatry Medicine and Rehabilitation).

Submission to this journal is entirely online, and you will be guided step by step through the creation and uploading of your files. The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word format (doc, Docx) written in Times New Roman number 12, justify 1,5 lines spacing on A4 (8.5" x 11") paper size with 3 cm margins, and should adhere to the ICMJE guidelines. Figures, illustrations, and photographs are included in the manuscript file. Send your manuscript to Manuscripts are considered for publication to understand that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration by another publication.

Asian Journal of Health Research will automatically reject any manuscript submitted via email or hardcopy. After receiving recommendations from peer reviewers, the Editorial Board determines whether a manuscript is feasible. Manuscript revision is the author's responsibility; manuscripts that are not feasible will be returned to the author. We accept three types of articles.



Original Article

Original articles should report on original clinical studies or research, including randomised trials, laboratory and animal studies, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, cohort studies, case-control studies, and surveys with high response rates, which represent new and significant contributions to the field.

Structure: Title page, Abstract with keywords (including Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion), Introduction, Material and Methods (participants, study design, experimental protocol, statistical methods, ethical statement), Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest (if any), Acknowledgement (if any), Availability of data and materials (if any) and References. An abstract of a maximum of 250 words, keywords: 3-5. The text must not exceed 7000 words, including the acknowledgement, with no more than 5 tables and/or figures and a minimum of 25 references. The name of the registry and the trial or study registration number must be included.


Case Report

A case Report will typically be published with the practitioner's classical or unusual issues. It must be justified why the report is needed, then alternative research methodology and should follow the CARE guidelines.

Structure: Title page, Abstract, Background, Case Presentation (participants, study design, experimental protocol, statistical methods, ethical statement), Investigation (if any), Differential Diagnosis (if any), Treatment (if any), Outcomes and Follow up, Discussion, and References. An abstract of a maximum of 250 words, keywords: 3-5. The text must not exceed 2000 words (not including abstract, references, and tables/figures), with no more than three tables and/or figures and a minimum of 20 references. The name of the registry and the trial or study registration number must be included.


Systematic review and meta-analysis

A systematic search of the relevant data sources should be carried out, and the items collected should be carefully evaluated for inclusion based on a priori-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria. A description and an analytical graphic representation of the process should be provided. The specific features of the participants or patient populations of the studies included in the review should be described as well as the measures of exposure and the outcome with indication towards the corresponding data sources.

Meta-analyses should follow the same guidelines for systematic reviews. They are expected to provide exhaustive information and statistical assessment of the pooled estimates of pre-defined outcomes, study heterogeneity and quality, possible publication bias, meta-regression, and subgroup analyses when and where appropriate. Depending on the type of study, the authors are invited to submit PRISMA(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flow diagrams or MOOSE checklists. Both systematic reviews and meta-analyses will be dealt with as original articles are, as far as the editorial process is concerned.

Structure: Title page, Abstract with keywords (including Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion), Introduction, Methods (participants, study design, experimental protocol, statistical methods, ethical statement), Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest (if any), Acknowledgment (if any), Availability of data and materials (if any) and References. An abstract of a maximum of 250 words, keywords: 3-5. The text must not exceed 7000 words, including the acknowledgement, with no more than 3 tables and/or figures and a minimum of 40 references.



Please write your text in good English (British, American, or other English style usage is accepted). Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use the English Language Editing service.



Manuscripts must be written in good and correct English, and it is recommended that manuscripts be run through the English editing service first to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before submitting the manuscript.



All manuscripts, correspondence, and editorial material for publication are submitted online at need to "create a new account" (i.e., register) by following the online instructions and using their email address and selected password. Authors can submit manuscripts online. Authors can expect an initial decision to undergo peer review.



Authors are requested to submit the revision within one month for all reviewing processes, i.e. rapid decision or review stage. If not, the submission will be removed from the editorial system and needs to be submitted as a new submission.



Indicate that this submission is ready to be considered by this journal by checking off the following (comments to the editor can be added below).

  1. As part of the submission process, authors must check their submission's compliance with the following items. Submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  2. The author(s) haven’t suggested any personal information that may make the patient's identity recognisable in any form of description, photograph or pedigree. When the pictures of the patient are essential and indispensable as scientific information, the author(s) must have received the consent in written form and have clearly stated such.
  3. In the case of experimenting on humans, the author(s) have certified that the research process is by the ethical standards of the Helsinki declaration and any domestic and foreign committees that preside over the experiment. Suppose any doubts are raised about whether the research proceeded by the Helsinki declaration and the author(s) are required to explain it. In the case of experimenting on animals, the author(s) have certified that the author(s) had followed the necessary domestic and foreign guidelines related to experimenting on animals in a laboratory.
  4. The author(s) has received consent from the author or editor of any pictures or tables quoted from other journals or books. A portion or the entirety of the article must not have been published in other journals, nor must it have contributed to other journals or is still under review.
  5. The author(s) undersigned hereby give Ikatan Dokter Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Timur the rights as a publisher and the right of first publication of all published material. It will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  6. The author (s) of the journal have clarified everything that may arise, such as work, research expenses, consultant expenses, and intellectual property on the document about the ICMJE form disclosure of conflicts of interest.


As part of the submission process, authors must check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


The title should describe the research summary (concise, informative, no abbreviations, and a maximum of 12 words).


The authorship of articles should be limited to those who have contributed sufficiently to take on a level of public responsibility for the content. Provided should be full names of authors (without academic title); author’s affiliation [name(s) of department(s) and institution(s)]; the corresponding author’s name, ORCID ID, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. The corresponding author is the person responsible for any correspondence during the publication process and post-publication.


Abstracts should be less than 250 words and should not include references or abbreviations. They should be concise and accurate, highlighting the main points and importance of the article. The abstract should be constructed in a single paragraph. Please provide a minimum of 3-5 keywords that encapsulate the paper's main topics.


The introduction should consist of at least the problem(s), state of the arts of the research, the gap between reality and theory or previous findings from other studies, and objective(s).


The research procedure should be prepared clearly; step-by-step work is mandatory. All equipment or materials used in the stud should be defined, and specifications should be provided. All formulas must be put in the number.


Report the primary outcome(s)/findings, including (where relevant) levels of statistical significance and confidence intervals.


Discussion should be made comprehensively by comparing other relevant studies, limitations and new findings of the study, and their implication to science in general.


Should relate to the study aims and hypotheses.


All contributions of the third parties can be acknowledged in this section.


References should adhere to the Vancouver citing and referencing style using reference management software (Mendeley). Numbers in square brackets should be used to identify concerns, numbered sequentially in order of appearance in the text and placed after punctuation. Reference groups should be listed chronologically first and then alphabetically. The reference list should be typed single-spaced and listed in numerical order, in the same order as cited in the text, and for more than six authors, et al. should be used.

  • For Journal: Surname, Initials. Year. Title of article. Full journal name, volume (number/issue): page.
  • For books: Surname, Initials. Year. Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication.
  • For book chapters: Surname, Initials. Year. The chapter title, In Editor’s Surname, Initials (ed.) Title of book. Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
  • For published conference proceedings: Surname, Initials. Year. The title of the proceeding may include the Place and date(s) held. Publisher, Place of publication, Pager numbers.
  • For unpublished conference proceedings: Surname, Initials. Year. Title of paper. Paper presented at Name of Conference, date of conference, place of conference, avalaible at URL if freely available on the internet ( accessed date).
  • For working papers: Surname, Initials. Year. Title of article. I am working on paper [number if available], Institution or organisation, Place of organisation, date.
  • For Newspaper articles (authored): Surname, Initials. Year. Title of article. Name of Newspaper, online link. Date of access.



The text should be structured as follows: introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Footnotes are not advisable; their contents should be incorporated into the text. Use only standard abbreviations; the use of nonstandard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. The spelt-out abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis should be used on the first mention unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement. If a sentence begins with a number, it should be spelt out.



Acknowledgements should be limited to the appropriate professionals who contributed to the paper, including technical help and financial or material support, as well as any general support by a department chairperson.



Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals, and any captions should be brief, clearly indicating the purpose or content of each table. Number the illustrations in the order they appear in the text, up to a maximum of three. If your manuscript includes more than five tables in total, or for very large tables, these can be submitted as Supplementary Data and will be included in the online version of your article. For such figures, a credit line should appear in the legend. Ensure the image has a minimum resolution of 600 dpi and is in JPG, PNG, or TIFF format.



The reporting guidelines endorsed by the journal are listed below:



A cover letter provides clear and precise information about the submission, emphasises the significance of the work, and explains why the current manuscript is suitable for publication. Each article/manuscript must be accompanied by a statement stating that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. The format of the cover letter can be downloaded here.



Regarding the double-blind peer review policy, the author must separate any information about the author’s identity from the main manuscript. Thus, all information related to the author(s) should be mentioned only on the title page. The title page must be uploaded to the Open Journal System (OJS) as a supplementary file. The format of the title page is described below (or can be downloaded here)



The format of the main manuscript template is described below (or can be downloaded here)



Author's Statement Ethics is the author's statement letter regarding the authenticity of the submitted manuscript and articles that have never been published or processed in other journals. The author must fill out, sign, and submit this statement (submission menu: add file) together with the submission of the article through the Asian Journal of Health Research website after registering. Download the Author’s  Statement of Ethics letter via the following link here.